Artificial Intelligence in Legal Framework

AI in Legal Framework

AI in Legal Arena

Artificial intelligence has been revolutionising all the sectors however, its impact in the field of law has not been high, but then the emergence of Covid 19, made it necessary for every sector to function online irrespective of the difficulties that would be encompassed due to the same. As the saying goes, “ Necessity is the mother of invention” the field of law was also required to invoke the necessity of the technology to function effectively online. As the importance of technology has been very well understood during the Pandemic, currently there is a lot of discussion going on regarding what may be the various ways in invoking the
technology into law? So now let’s understand what would be the impact of the introduction of technology into law. Also, let’s understand how Artificial Intelligence would impact the field of law.

Artificial intelligence

We need to understand what AI is and its mechanism before we go ahead and discuss how it will impact the sector of the legal field. Artificial Intelligence AI is a computer system able to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. Many of these artificial intelligence systems are powered by machine learning, some of them are powered by deep learning and some of them are powered by very boring things like rules. This comes with learning which involves garnering the rules and information for using the data. Due to data-based service
industries it has become very popular and a necessity.

Evolution of Artificial intelligence in law
Artificial Intelligence in other words Machine learning is a welcoming aspect in all the fields, the same way as this Machine learning is been currently doing wonders in various fields, the same would do wonders in the field of law as well, with the help of the AI attorneys can gather a lot of information in a click, all the hardships of research are getting better due to the AI. “If you have a law company with 400 attorneys or a single practising lawyer, an artificially intelligent platform for research can get the job done in seconds and balance the costs of legal research so that the quality of research is consistent across all parties. Using these technologies, attorneys may better advise clients or litigate their cases, which is a win-win situation for everyone.” The necessity of Artificial intelligence in law The impact of AI in legal education and legal research has necessitated the need for AI in law, for instance, LexisNexis launched Lexis Analytics, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven legal research tool. LexisNexis acquired Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language
Processing (NLP) start-ups such as Lex Machina, Intelligize, and Ravel Law and integrated their capabilities into Lexis Analytics. Lex Machina mines litigation data, giving insights about judges, lawyers, parties and subjects of the cases. The majority of the data provided by the program is optimized for patent information, copyrights, antitrust cases, and trademarks.
Intelligize offers a web-based research platform that provides content, news collections, regulatory insights, and analytical tools for compliance and transactional professionals. The platform can be used for securities and exchange commission filings, agreements and other exhibits, analysis and trends, regulatory materials, mergers and acquisitions, etc. LexisNexis claims that Ravel Law can extract persuasive language from court pinions, challenges and motions. The language judge analyzes 100 motion types and examines millions of case-law documents to reveal powerfully persuasive language relevant to a case. Isn’t that amazing!

Functioning of a law firm in future
No wonder in the future, the Law firm would also be requiring AI. How? Let’s see, Competition in the legal sector has increased significantly in recent years, both in India and throughout the world. It is now necessary for law firms to take advantage of technological improvements and client needs to remain competitive in today’s business environment. Those that turn a blind eye to these developments will find themselves outdated in the next few years. In the future, law firms will look very different from the ones we are used to seeing. Innovations in servicing clients: Client service and treatment will undergo a fundamental shift over time. Law Firms would approach their clients with fresh ideas and more authentic and cost-effective legal solutions. Law Firms in India now price their services based on the amount of time it takes to generate the services, or in other words, the billable hour technique Focus from Revenue to Higher profits: Nowadays law businesses focus on raising income, but the rivalry between law firms is always expanding and the need for legal services has remained unchanged, making it incredibly difficult to increase revenue. Law companies will no longer be concerned with revenue, but rather earnings and margins. Making Technology the foundation for growth: As a result of these new AI-based solutions, the legal profession has seen a major increase in efficiency and customer satisfaction in recent years. E-Discovery solutions, contract drafting automation, and trademark search are just some of the legal IT businesses that have emerged in the last few
years. The above mentioned would be some of the changes which could be seen in sophisticated law firms.

Artificial Intelligence is not the replacement of a lawyer?
Lawyers are torn these days about whether AI will replace them or boost their productivity and efficiency in the legal business. Lawyers, contract analysts, trademark search engines, and other legal researchers now have access to a wealth of new tools thanks to technological advancements in the field of law. However, no AI-based software or programme aims to
replace a lawyer, and all IA-based software and programmes are boosting the authenticity, accuracy, and result-orientedness of research and analysis. It is impossible to automate analysis, decision-making, and representation in the legal field. The use of AI-based software and programmes may significantly decrease a lawyer’s time and effort and enable the attorneys and businesses to deliver more authentic and result-oriented recommendations to their clients. In India, the legal business is still in its infancy and is eagerly awaiting more AI-based and automated aiding tools and software. Contribution of AI to the legal field in a boon
There is a misconception among attorneys and legal firms that Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning is a threat to their survival, or put simply, that Artificial Intelligence is going to replace lawyers. Evidence from other sectors and verticals like e-commerce, healthcare and accountancy shows that AI will only help attorneys and law firms to achieve more with less, to become far more productive than their predecessors.” The application of AI in legal proceedings should begin at the “Bar” and eventually go to the “Bench,” where judges might make use of NLP Summarization to summarise the arguments of both sides. Because of recent case law on the issue of the statute in question, judges were
able to rapidly determine which side had validity. From everything we have discussed thus far, it does not seem likely that AI will replace experts in the workforce. Indeed, an IA-based application will make professionals more productive, efficient and accurate.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the growing technologies that simulate human reasoning. Computers can think, learn, and create because of this. If a computer programme relies on human intelligence, it is an application. There are both advantages and downsides to artificial intelligence, but humans must take care of that and use only the good aspects of this greatest breakthrough for a better future and environment. Human civilisation will be destroyed if artificial intelligence is misused, many believe. However, no application of artificial intelligence is meant to harm mankind.

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